Monday, January 25, 2016

Day 01 - where I am thankful chickens and eggs are so readily available

Honor requires I include only food events that occur from midnight to midnight (so no "oh, I got my lean protein in, but it was 2 hours past midnight" stuff).

00:00 - 01:00 - last swig (2 oz?) Dr. Pepper
01:00 - 04:30 - sleep
04:30 - 05:00 - includes creating this blog
05:00 - 07:30 - sleep
07:30 - 09:30 - includes food prep
09:30 - 10:00 - #1 meal m1
10:40 - 10:41 - #2 snack s1
11:20 - 11:21 - #3 snack s2
11:34 - 11:35 - #4 snack s3
11:48 - 11:49 - #5 snack s4
12:25 - 12:40 - #6 meal m2
13:10 - 13:11 - #7 snack s5
13:40 - 14:45 - #8 snack s6
15:00 - 15:40 - #9 meal m3
18:00 - 18:40 - #A meal m4 (post-WOD)
20:40 - 21:00 - #B meal m5
23:00 - 24:00 - crashed (sleep)

#1: (20 min in-situ prep)
4 egg omelet cooked in coconut oil
1 oz rotisserie chicken
10 baby carrots
2 handfuls of broccoli
(2) 500 ml bottle of water

#6: (no prep)
2 oz of rotisserie chicken
10 baby carrots
(2) 500 ml bottle of water

#9: (no prep)
3.05 oz of rotisserie chicken
2.05 oz olives
10 baby carrots
(1) 500 ml bottle of water

#A: (no prep)
2.00 oz of rotisserie chicken
2.35 oz banana
0.40 oz peanut butter
1 medium apple
(1) 500 ml bottle of water

#B: (no prep)
3 oz of rotisserie chicken
2 oz olives
10 baby carrots
(1) 500 ml bottle of water

#2: (1) 500 ml bottle of water
#3: (1) 500 ml bottle of water
#4: (1) 500 ml bottle of water
#5: (1) 500 ml bottle of water
#7: (1) 500 ml bottle of water
#8: (1) 500 ml bottle of water, 1 oz almonds

Daily Macro Summary (calories to be added):

Item Protein (g) Fats (g) Carbs (g) Calories
2 tsp coconut oil----
4 eggs----
8.05 oz rotisserie chicken----
30 baby carrots----
2 handfuls of broccoli----
1 oz almonds----
2.35 oz banana----
0.40 oz peanut butter----
1 med apple----
2 oz olives----
(12) 500 ml bottle of water----

#1 I am finding that prep and planning and eating are all taking far longer than normal for me.  This might be because I normally eat just about anything, or because (other than eggs) I don't normally eat food that takes much prep, or maybe because I do not usually pay attention to how little time has been involved.  It just seems this will functionally be a time commitment akin to a part-time job.
I am feeling sore, tired, and in spite of the food and water I am still a little hungry after my meal.
#2 This feels like quite a lot of water
#3 yeah, water.
#4 ironically, i think i drinking more soda than i am water
#5 s'too bad that tap water doesn't taste good
#6 These meals seem small and I'm hungry - maybe my stomach is too big and/or I'm used to larger portions for no reason other than the idea that soda makes it easier to eat more food. It also might be I'm just re-learning how to gauge how much food I should eat at a meal.  I've always heard American meal portions were large - perhaps this is also a factor.
#7 still hungry going into afternoon; maybe more vegetables during meal? Also need to ensure I eat before I go to the gym for my first WOD.  I get the impression that the WOD will be hard enough; having to do it while hungry seems a poor decision.
#8 loving the almonds as a variety - and i'm thinking i may need more ... fats?
#9 ooh, olives are a fat that i can include.  awesome
#A so many of the aches + pains just melt into memory when you WOD. I can see their value. Also fun!

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